Hello Hackers!
This month, we will be joined by Brian Halbach who will be presenting his talk “Security Flaw Safari: Reading Between the Lines and Hunting Security Risks”:
This talk covers the methodology used for hunting previously unknown security risks and how to go on an adventure to read between the lines and uncover the juicy secrets the documentation won’t directly tell you. This talk will also help show a way to estimate if a research project will take 50 hours or 50 years as well as strategies on how to effectively learn a new technology and peel back the layers of complexity until you can find out what is really going on under the hood. There will also be examples and discussion from real world case studies. Audience members should be ready to participate and are welcome to share their own stories and thoughts (assuming they are legally allowed).
Brian is a Senior Security Consultant at InGuardians with past experience in help-desk and network engineering roles. Recognizing organizational security gaps in those previous roles, he transitioned to red teaming and penetration testing. He enjoys tackling complex security issues and consulting with clients to find non-obvious solutions.
As usual, we will be meeting online at https://cafe.cyberia.club/dc612.
Talk starts at 6:12 PM U.S. Central, but feel free to hop in early and chat.
— TactiFail