Thursday, November 9th – 6:12pm @ Virtual

Written by  on November 7, 2023 

Hello Hackers!

This month, we will be joined by @TactiFail who will be presenting his talk “Reflections on Reflection”:

Reflection is a technique used in programming to inspect the running code at runtime. This allows for all sorts of weirdness, from simply reading private variables to modifying them directly and calling private methods. This talk goes over what reflection is, roughly how it works, and how it can be used to work around those pesky “private” access modifiers.

Tacti is a senior (or principal, depending on who you ask) penetration tester at a healthcare-adjacent organization. He runs DC612, a Minnesota Defcon group (check them out some time) and sometimes cooks passable meals.

As usual, we will be meeting online at

Talk starts at 6:12 PM U.S. Central, but feel free to hop in early and chat.

— TactiFail

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