Thursday, May 13th – 6:12pm @ Virtual
Hey Hack Fam.
We’re back for another Virtual Edition of DC612. This months featured speaker comes to us all the way from across the pond.
Gem Hill (@Gem_HIll) is a software tester by day, and is passionate about self care and mental health. She runs SelfCare Backpack in her spare time (https://backpack.gemhill.co.uk) and develops tools, resources, and talks on Self Care and wellbeing.
Self care can be tough when:
- your normal routines are unavailable
- you may not have the time/space/mental energy
- we’re living in ‘interesting times’
As well as a reminder of what self care is and why it’s important, this talk will also share some tips and reminders on how to fit self care around your life and circumstances.
Same Cyberspace channel! https://cafe.cyberia.club/dc612
See you There!
-Kat @NightmareJS
Thursday, January 14th – 6:12pm @ Virtual
Hello my fellow Hackers and Humans !
This month, we don’t have any big speaking engagement booked, instead we’re going to take a more down tempo approach to our January meeting. And as my 2020 mood bleeds into 2021, I thought we’d try something a little different.
Next week, we will have an open and themed discussion entitled “My favorite sticker (or badger)“.
Bring your favorite sticker or badge to @DC612 on Thursday and tell us a story. I want to hear why its your favorite, what fun memories you have of your con swag ?
Let’s spend some time dreaming of stickers, badgers and cons past and future.

Open hangout start from 6pm CST onwards.
Thursday, December 10th – 6:12pm @ Virtual
Happy December Hackers !!

This month we have a special remote guest all the way from Chennai! I for one am ready to be enthralled by black art of virtual machine management!
Setting up a Pentesting Lab with Vagrant
Vagrant is a tool that helps with the management of virtual machines. In this talk, we will explore what is, why Vagrant, some Vagrant basic commands and Vagrant features like scaling and provisioning.
We will end the talk by setting up the pentesting lab using the Vagrant. By the end of the talk, the attendees can able to understand the basics of Vagrant.
About Our Speaker – @joshva_jebaraj
Joshua Jebaraj is a student currently pursuing his undergrad at Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai. He is an active member of many open-source communities like Null, Ansible and Hashicorp He frequently speaks at the @nullchennai chapter and #OwaspVITChennai.
He has also spoken at conferences like Owasp-Seasides, Bsides-Delhi and Open-Security-Summit. He also holds a certification for CDP. When away from the screen he can be found watching movies and making memes
– @nightmareJS
Thursday, July 9th – 6:12pm @ Virtual Only
Because Security and Summer
I hope this post finds you happy and healthy and thoroughly unmelted.
I think if this heat continues, its bound to cause power disruptions and my availability zone will experience connectivity issues. For those non-cloud people, that means I’ll be hiding in my house until the Fall.
Fortunately, this months DC612 is Virtual! So even if you’re like me and skeptical of the outside, DC612 can be beamed into your homes, apartments and yurts.
For the July meeting, Kat, one of the DC612 organizers will be speaking on topic she has become a recent, unwilling expert.
“Identity and Access Management (IAM), is a framework of policies and technologies for ensuring that the proper people in an enterprise have the appropriate access to technology resources.”
Google Cloud Platform (GCP), is like any system in that it has needed to design a framework for authenticating Users and authorizing them to access resources. How GCP and its IAM system has evolved tells a story about what is important to them, and how their products as a whole have evolved.
In this talk I will start at the very basics, like, who is a WHO in GCP and how are permissions granted to them. I’ll talk about the basic structure of GCPs Cloud IAM, and some of the strong design decisions that are pervasive in the platform. Finally I’ll talk about the what constitutes privilege in GCP and a few ways to get it.
This month, as in the past, we will be virtually hosted the the gracious https://cyberia.club/.
Link to the Jitsi meeting to posted ~1 hour prior to meeting on Twitter and Slack.
Hope to see my Hacker family there.
Thursday, June 11th – 6:12pm @Virtual Only
DC612 June Meeting – Live From the Interwebs
UPDATE: The June DC612 Meeting URL is: https://cafe.cyberia.club/random-meeting-name-DC612
Feel free to lurk until the meeting officially starts at 6:12pm

This is another virtual-only meeting. We will again be using Jitsi, courtesy of our friends at Cyberia. Please forgive any technical issues as we continue to figure out this new platform.
This Month, Starless will be speaking on a subject of growing relevance.
“Mask Hacks, or How to Be A Good Neighbor in A Pandemic”
“Everything you’re supposed to buy is sold out at Target. How can you use household materials to make your mask the best possible, given the circumstances? Damned if I know. But! Here are some guesses. I’m not qualified to give this talk, but I’m too mad about people not solving these problems any better to do nothing. Join me at my work desk for materials ideas, mask fitting opinions, a nose wire bending demo and maybe even a filter construction demo, if you ask nice.”
This Month we’ll talk Masks, Institutional Racism and provide resources to help us all become better Anti-Racists.
The meeting URL will be shared an hour before the meeting is set to start on Thursday. See you all there!