Thursday, May 14th 2020 – 6:12PM @ Virtual Only

Written by  on May 2, 2020 


Hello hackers!

This month we are to be joined by Tom Pieragastini, a local penetration tester who will be teaching us about API hacking:

Increasingly web applications are relying on backend API services in order to query data, write data to databases and perform backend functions. On some levels the shift to API centric applications presents conditions that are very similar to testing traditional web applications, while on other levels the presence of APIs fundamentally changes the methods and tools utilized during testing. This shift in the application space becomes more prevalent everyday, and has changed the face of web application testing.

I’ve worked with Tom directly and am excited to have him present.

This is another virtual-only meeting. We will again be using Jitsi, courtesy of our friends at Cyberia. Please forgive any technical issues as we continue to figure out this new platform. The meeting URL will be shared an hour before the meeting is set to start on Thursday. See you all there!

— TactiFail

Where: Online! Please do not meet at our usual spot 🙂
When: Thursday, May 14th, 2020 @ 6:12PM

Category : Uncategorized