Calling All Speakers!
Are you interested in speaking at DC612? If so, let us know!
We are always looking for speakers, from the seasoned vets to the newcomers. If you are passionate and knowledgeable about something, we want to hear from you. You don’t need to be an expert either, in fact we like hearing from people who are sharing what they are learning now (as long as the info is accurate, of course).
What do we look for? Honestly any hacker topic is fine. Defcon is a hacker conference, not a computer security conference strictly, so as long as your subject matter would be of interest to other hackers, we’d love to hear it!
If you are interested in speaking (or know someone who is), please fill out this Google Form and we will be in contact:
Note that there is no need to have or use a Google account for this, but if you prefer to reach us by other means you can:
- email
- reach us on Twitter at @DC612
- join our Discord
and include the following info:
- Name / Handle
- Talk Title
- Talk Abstract
- Speaker Bio
- Availability
- Are you okay with the talk being recorded?
- How do you prefer questions to be handled?
We meet the second Thursday of each month at 6:12 PM U.S. Central Time, virtually on our Jitsi Discord server (invite link). We used to meet on Jitsi but ran into some limits with that. If you are unable or unwilling to present over Discord, please reach out and we will try to figure something out.
Thursday, February 8th – 6:12pm @ Virtual
Hello Hackers!
This month, we will be joined by Mauddib28 who will be speaking about the exploration of Bluetooth and the pain points encountered along the way:
This talk will be about the pains and victories encountered while trying to get an understanding of the Bluetooth landscape. The exploration of Bluetooth begins with an assessment of the protocol’s basics, the topography of existing toolsets, and a determining of where/how to launch probes of the environment. During this process, the researcher has to discern limitations of the tools and establish initial instruments for explorations. We will review the pain-points perceived along with lessons learned in the development of these skills. The review of the Bluetooth research ranges from scanning/discovery of devices, their enumeration, and their interaction with potential objects. Devices investigated include the BLE CTF, custom made servers, and unknown devices found in the wild. The platform was constructed using Python with the BlueZ and dbus libraries.
Wortman is a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Connecticut with research that ranged from network analysis to cyber security risk evaluation. He now focuses on Bluetooth protocol and devices research.
As usual, we will be meeting online at
Talk starts at 6:12 PM U.S. Central, but feel free to hop in early and chat.
— TactiFail