Thursday, February 10th – 6:12pm @ Virtual

Written by  on February 5, 2022 

Hello Hackers!

This month we are joined by Eric, a hacker who stopped playing guitar for 25 years, and in that time learned a bit about computers and programming.  Picking the guitar back up he ended up marrying the two and sharing his work with friends in a way that he controls the info being shared outside the walls of our sharing programs. From The Diary of a Madman:

Dear Diary.

This pandemic I relearned to play the guitar & share it on a low budget without giving my soul to a platform.  Let me tell you some more about the process and project.


As usual these days of Covid, we will be meeting online at

Talk starts at 6:12 PM U.S. Central, but feel free to hop in early and chat.

— TactiFail

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