Thursday, April 19th, 6pm @ Wilde Cafe
Please Note: Due to a scheduling conflict with our speakers, this meeting will be the third Thursday of the month (April 19). Same time (6PM), same place (Wilde Roast Cafe), just a different day.
Hello Hackers!
Have you found yourself thinking “Gee, I sure wish I could see more DC612 talks” lately? Tired of that sinking feeling in your stomach when you realize there will be only one presenter each month? Well then have I got good news for you!
For our April meeting, we will be giving 5 quick talks from 4 presenters on a variety of subjects. Not necessarily in order, they are:
- Josh: “Beyond Boolean” and “Working With Nano-Services“
- Kat: “TLA Compliance And You“
- Tony: “CryptoCredit“
- Trevor: “Security Through Obscurity Done Right“
Each presentation will be short and to the point, with a brief Q&A session while the next presenter prepares their slides.
See you there!
— TactiFail
Thursday November 9th, 6pm @ Wilde Cafe
Hello Hackers!
It’s November, and that means… well, cold. It means cold.
This month we are bringing back crowd favorite and regular DC612 attendee, Josh More!
Josh is perhaps best known at DC612 for his talks on photography, anonymity, and how to give a good presentation (hint hint). This month he will be addressing the power of metaphor in IT:
There is a divide between the so-called “security/technical” people and the “business” people. We’ve all heard about how we need to “speak the language of business” and “get soft skills” to succeed. However, even after decades of trying, the divide still exists. Why does it seem that we never make progress? Are we truly not improving? Is the goal receding as we chase it? This presentation posits that we’ve been making a fundamental error in trying to explain things to people outside our field. One thing that people-oriented people do naturally and technically-oriented people do not is communicate with others using the target’s metaphors. By taking this approach and translating issues into different frames of reference, more time is spent exploring the issue instead of arguing over why it matters.
As always, please bring a healthy appetite for both knowledge and food. See you there!
Thursday October 12th, 6pm @ WildeRoast – DFIR Month
Hello Hackers!
It’s October, and that means it is DFIR Month at DC612!
What is DFIR you ask? It’s pronounced “dee-fur” and it is not the same as shaving a fuzzy animal. DFIR stands for Digital Forensics and Incident Response, and it is the realm of investigating breaches, reacting to them to minimize immediate damage, and ensuring the proper information is gathered to help prevent them in the future.
As with other DC612 Projects months, the talks this time around will be shorter, but there will be more of them.
So bring your favorite hex editor, and prepare for a night of forensic fun!
— TactiFail
Thursday September 14th, 6pm @ WildeRoast – Crypto Month
Hello Hackers!
It’s September, and that means it is Crypto Month at DC612!
At the beginning of the year we announced DC612 Projects:
In the Month of February, DC612 will be opening a new program in which YOU are encouraged to sign up for and research a topic of your choosing.
Then, turn your Project into a 20 minute talk that you bring back to the group and present along with others in your category
Just like the Web Security and Recon nights, there will be multiple, shorter talks for the Crypto meeting. Keep an eye on this list as we get confirmation on who all is speaking:
- @NightmareJS will be going over the new Firefox Send project, with a demo
- Our resident kilt-wearing Crypto fanatic @Crypty McCryptoFace may make an appearance
- I’ve heard rumors that Tony may have some words of wisdom to share
If you will be speaking but your name is not on this list, hit us up on the Twitters, Slack, or by emailing info@dc612.org and we’ll get your info up.
See you there!
DC612 Wardrive – Saturday July 15, 2017
The 2017 DC612 Wardrive is official!
On Saturday, July 15 we will meet outside the St. Anthony Falls parking garage ($5 parking for up to 12 hours) for a 4PM pickup, then enjoy 3 hours of hackery and drinking with a short break in the middle for snacks and leg-stretching. Please plan on showing up at least 15 minutes early so we can do a head count and make sure we’re not over-booked. There are three important things that anyone attending needs to know:
- Important! We went with the Black Onyx bus which can seat up to 40, maximum 60 with standing room. Realistically speaking, considering the gear and booze we will only be able to accommodate around 30 people comfortably, so we have set up a RSVP link here: clickyUpdate: Apparently EventBrite requires an account to RSVP, but we won’t know or care if you use fake info 🙂 Sorry for the inconvenience!You must RSVP if you wish to come with! If you don’t and you show up anyway, we will give priority to those who did RSVP and if there is room left we will open it up to general admittance on a first-come first-serve basis.
- We want everyone to be able to attend regardless of financial situations. While there is no mandatory fee for attending, we are requesting $20 cash per person for those who can afford it to help offset costs. If you can chip in more, that is definitely appreciated. Update: If you would like to contribute via Bitcoin, an address has been set up: 1JueDXm6AEtuq9PyFRhFkZYDFAQsfUsYwa
- This is a 21+ event. Alcohol is allowed, and some generic drinks will be provided but you are encouraged to bring your own. Please be responsible, don’t overdo it and throw up or anything. We want to do this again, and making fools of ourselves is not a good step in that direction.
A good resource for hardware compatibility is this page from the aircrack wiki. Otherwise, ALFA brand cards have long been a solid choice.
For any questions, please email info@dc612.org or message us on Twitter at @DC612. See you there!