
July 11th Meeting 6pm @ The Hack Factory

Written by  on July 9, 2013

This month we are going to have some informal discussions about the Defcon conference coming up in a few weeks in Las Vegas. If you plan on attending Defcon, or just want to come hear about how great of a conference it is, come and join in on the discussions about who to see, what to do, what to bring, what not to do, etc.


6PM-??? – Pre Defcon Discussions

See you Thursday!


Hack Factory is located in the Seward neighborhood.

3119 East 26th ST

Minneapolis, MN 55418.




Payload from balloon launch found!!

Written by  on June 8, 2013

The payload from the balloon launch last October was found on June 1st. A guy in Wisconsin was hunting on his property when he spotted the styrofoam cooler. It was found at approximately 45.175661,-92.034424. He called my cell number which had been attached to the side of the cooler. He said it “stuck out like a sore thumb in the trees.” He also said the payload and equipment inside was “destroyed”, but was able to retrieve the SD card from the camera and mailed it to me. The full length unedited video can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_JOcD3BYKM. We learned several good lessons including using a better cell phone carrier to track the payload and as seen in the video, better stabilizers are needed for the next attempt. I suppose it would also be a good idea to wait for a clear day next time around….

– Jared

June 13th Meeting 6pm @ Elsies

Written by  on June 7, 2013

For the June DC612 meeting, Spenser Reinhardt will be presenting on Beginning Exploitation with Manual Exploits.

An introduction to simple exploits in an unprotected operating system. He will describe, how and why these issues are still present today, and how to start working with them. You will look at simple code, compile and debug a program or two, create some shellcode and use it to exploit an application. The aim being, to give a brief but detailed overview of how exploits work and how to begin creating your own shellcode.
Necessary tools:
Linux based OS (Suggested in a virtual machine)
gcc – GNU C Compiler
gdb – GNU Debugger
nasm – Netwide Assembler, a common assembly compiler for x86
xxd or hexedit – Generic hex editors
vim or nano – text editor


6:00PM-6:30PM – Get in, get drinks and food ordered

6:30PM-???? – Spenser Reinhardt

Elsie’s Restaurant Bar and Bowling
729 MarshallStreet N.E.,
Minneapolis, MN 55413

May 9th Meeting 6pm @ Elsies

Written by  on April 28, 2013

For the May DC612 meeting, Paul Dokas will be presenting on the new Dragon Research Group (DRG) pod distro. The Dragon Research Group (DRG) is a volunteer group of security researchers that collect and freely distribute intelligence regarding malicious behavior seen online.  One of the key platforms used to collect and analyze this data is the DRG pod which is a passive sensor built using NanoBSD (a slimmed down version of FreeBSD).  This talk will cover the design goals, system layout, build system and future directions for the pods.

Bio: Paul Dokas is an IT security professional with 20+ years of experience in the IT industry as an IT security architect and analyst, programmer, and system administrator.  Currently working in the Twin Cities as an senior IT security analyst he is expanding his passion for intrusion detection, data analysis and incident response.  In off hours, he volunteers with the DRG and is building a network intrusion sensor and analysis framework (soon to be released as open source).


6:00PM-6:30PM – Get in, get drinks and food ordered

6:30PM-???? – Paul Dokas

Elsie’s Restaurant Bar and Bowling
729 MarshallStreet N.E.,
Minneapolis, MN 55413

No April DC612 Meeting

Written by  on April 9, 2013

We are not going to have an April DC612 meeting as we didn’t receive any volunteers to present on a topic this month. If you have a topic you would like to present on at a future DC612 or are working on a project that you would like to solicit some feedback on, please email us at info – at – dc612.org.

Also, don’t forget about the Minne-Faire happening THIS WEEKEND at The Hack Factory! More info can be found here: http://minnefaire.org/

