
Oct 13th Balloon Launch Change in Location

Written by  on October 8, 2012

The location of the balloon launch this Saturday, October 13th has changed to Lake Junior High School in Woodbury. We received a call from the City of Woodbury informing us that there will be little league games at Bailey Elementary, so we decided to move it. Address below:

11 am – balloon launch

11:30 – ????? Tracking the payload

Lake Jr. High

3133 Pioneer Drive  Woodbury, MN 55125


Everyone is welcome. See you there!



Oct 11th Meeting 6pm @ Hack Factory

Written by  on October 2, 2012

This month we are going to be doing another project night and prepping for the launch of our video/picture taking space-bound sounding balloon. We are planning on launching the balloon Saturday Oct 13th at 11am from Bailey Elementary School in Woodbury. So what is this whole balloon thing? Several people have done it before and it sounded cool, so we decided that we wanted to do it too. The plan is to fill a HUGE balloon with helium and attach a payload including a camera and a cell phone with GPS tracking into space to get some cool pictures/video. Sound like fun to you? We will be getting last minute prep done during DC612 on the 11th, then launching it on the 13th.

*Note: We are still awaiting final approval from the FAA for the launch. We have to get their approval as the balloon is expected to burst at 68,000+ feet.

As always, The Hack Factory doesn’t have a bar, so bring your own food & beer and remember, there are no maids on the Hack Factory payroll, so you need to clean up after yourself.


6PM-??? – Project Night/Balloon Prep

See you Thursday!


Hack Factory is located in the Seward neighborhood. Enter via the yellow side door.

3119 East 26th ST

Minneapolis, MN 55418.




September 13th Meeting 6pm @ Elsie’s

Written by  on September 1, 2012

Back by popular demand, this month, we will be working through more of the exploit-exercises.com challenges. This time, taking a look at different privilege escalation techniques. Anything from SUID set binarys, modifying cron jobs with better rights, race conditions and more! Please download the Nebula virtual machine and be sure it works with your virtualization software, before coming to the meeting. You will also need virtual box or vmware, both have a free option that will work perfect. A backtrack virtual machine is also suggested, otherwise a host Linux\Mac OS is suggested.
Exploit-exercises Nebula: http://exploit-exercises.com/nebula
Backtrack Linux: http://www.backtrack-linux.org/downloads/
VMware Player: https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/free#desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_player/5_0
VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads


6:00PM-6:30PM – Get in, get drinks and food ordered

6:30PM-???? – Challenge walkthroughs


Elsie’s Restaurant Bar and Bowling
729 MarshallStreet N.E.,
Minneapolis, MN 55413

August 9th Meeting 6:30pm The Hack Factory

Written by  on August 5, 2012

This month we are going to be doing a recap of DEF CON 20. Did you see a talk that really sparked your interest in something, or maybe you played in a contest that you thought was awesome, whatever your experience, please come share. Or maybe you missed out…. feel free to come and learned what you missed out on.

As always, The Hack Factory doesn’t have a bar, so bring your own food & beer and remember, there are no maids on the Hack Factory payroll, so you need to clean up after yourself.


6:30PM-??? – DEF CON recap/discussion

See you Thursday!


Hack Factory is located in the Seward neighborhood. Enter via the yellow side door.

3119 East 26th ST

Minneapolis, MN 55418.




July 12th Meeting 6pm @ The Hack Factory

Written by  on July 3, 2012

This month we are going to do a project/show and tell meeting again. This is a great opportunity to work on that project that you really want to work on, but just havent had the time for (raspberry pi, open-mesh ap flashing, etc). So if you are like me and have some sort of project to work on but just haven’t seem to had the time lately, bring it on in. And yes, if you really don’t have anything to work on, you are more than welcome to just come hang out.

P.S. We may also have a few people give short presentations/demonstrations

As always, The Hack Factory doesn’t have a bar, so bring your own food & beer and remember, there are no maids on the Hack Factory payroll, so you need to clean up after yourself.


6:00PM-??? – Project/Show & Tell

See you Thursday!


Hack Factory is located in the Seward neighborhood. Enter via the yellow side door.

3119 East 26th ST

Minneapolis, MN 55418.


