
September 8th Meeting 6pm @ HackFactory

Written by  on September 6, 2011

We are going to be having another project night. Why? Because we didn’t have any volunteers to speak about anything this month and I have a LOT of projects that I would like to work on (such as flashing my open-mesh APs with dd-wrt). So if you are like me and have some sort of project to work on but just haven’t seem to had the time lately, bring it on in. And yes, if you really don’t have anything to work on, you are more than welcome to just come hang out.

As always, The Hack Factory doesn’t have a bar, so bring your own food & beer and remember, there are no maids on the Hack Factory payroll, so you need to clean up after yourself.


6:00PM-??? – Project/Show & Tell

See you Thursday!


Hack Factory is located in the Seward neighborhood. Enter via the yellow side door.

3119 East 26th ST

Minneapolis, MN 55418.




August 11th Meeting 6pm @ The Hack Factory

Written by  on August 9, 2011

We are going to be doing a defcon/blackhat recap, 6pm @ The Hack Factory. Also, If you didn’t get a chance to stop by the AICC (Alcoholic Ice Cream Competition) at DEFCON and try the very alcoholic ice cream team Frozen Nuts will be sampling some at the meeting to help raise money to support the AICC.  They gave out over 400 samples of the ice cream and frozen dots at Defcon and would like to double that next year. If you want to “frozen dot” your own alcohol for sharing please bring it and if they have LN2 left they will make it up.

As always, The Hack Factory doesn’t have a bar, so bring your own food & beer and remember, there are no maids on the Hack Factory payroll, so you need to clean up after yourself.


6:00PM-??? – Defcon/Blackhat recap

See you Thursday!


Hack Factory is located in the Seward neighborhood. Enter via the yellow side door.

3119 East 26th ST

Minneapolis, MN 55418.




July 14th – Pedal Pub Wardrive

Written by  on June 28, 2011

This month we are going to be doing a special event. We will not be meeting at Elsie’s or the Hack Factory. Instead, we are renting a pedal pub to wardrive through Minneapolis (while drinking of course). Space is limited to 14 people:

When: July 14th 6-8pm

Cost: $25

Tickets: http://pedalpubwardrive.eventbrite.com/

It is BYOB (cans only)

Make sure your gear has a full charge, the pedal pub doesn’t have power.

**Note: Due to company policy we are renting from, this is a 21+ event**

June 9th Meeting 6:00pm @ The Hack factory

Written by  on June 1, 2011

Project Night!! This month we are meeting at The Hack Factory. This is going to be a project/show & tell night. Have something cool that you are working on? Bring it in and show us. Have something you want to work on but never seem to find the time? Here is your chance . Have a project that you need some help on? Bring it in and ask for help.  This is open to projects of all sorts, but because this is only a few hours, please only bring in smaller projects. If you cant carry it yourself, it is too big for this meeting.

As always, The Hack Factory doesn’t have a bar, so bring your own food & beer and remember, there are no maids on the Hack Factory payroll, so you need to clean up after yourself.


6:00PM-??? – Project/Show & Tell

See you Thursday!


Hack Factory is located in the Seward neighborhood. Enter via the yellow side door.

3119 East 26th ST

Minneapolis, MN 55418.




May 12th Meeting 6:00pm @Elsies

Written by  on May 10, 2011

This month Tim Medin is going to be doing a presentation/demo on NBNS & metasploit fun. We are going to attempt to have a hands on activity so bring a laptop with metasploit loaded and updated if you would like to partake.


6:00PM-6:30PM – Order food and drinks

6:30PM-???? – Tim Medin

See you Thursday!

