
Thursday, July 13th – 6:12pm @ Virtual

Written by  on July 11, 2023

Hello Hackers!

This month, we will be joined by D0zer who will be sharing their journey to create the perfect custom keyboard:

Do you use a wireless keyboard? How much do you trust it? Probably a little less after this talk. Join me on my journey to create the perfect custom keyboard and how it lead down a rabbit hole of hacking proprietary protocols and unexpected vulnerability discoveries.

D0zer is a software engineer turned security professional, perpetual tinkerer, and keyboard enthusiast

As usual, we will be meeting online at https://cafe.cyberia.club/dc612.

Talk starts at 6:12 PM U.S. Central, but feel free to hop in early and chat.

— TactiFail

Thursday, June 8th – 6:12pm @ Virtual

Written by  on June 5, 2023

Hello Hackers, and Happy Summer

This month in lieu of a formal speaker we will be gathering as a community for a little show and tell. Bring a project you’ve been hacking away at, or an idea you’ve had in mind to share with the group.


If we have time let’s cover some topical topics like Defcon! who’s all going and should we do a meet up? Plus we have a Toxic BBQ to plan and we’ll be looking for volunteers.

Per usual we’ll will be meeting online at https://cafe.cyberia.club/dc612.

Show and Tell starts at 6:12 PM U.S. Central, but feel free to hop in early and chat.


Thursday, May 11th – 6:12pm @ Virtual

Written by  on May 8, 2023

Hello Hackers!

This month, we will be joined by hacker-rapper @int0x80 who will be sharing his talk titled “AWS IAM Privilege Escalation Redux”:

You have gained access to an AWS account but lack permissions to complete your objectives. You attempt every privilege escalation path documented online, and none of them work. The objectives now seem impossibly distant; your battery is low and it’s getting dark.

This talk will present a set of IAM privilege escalation paths that I have not seen documented online* accompanied by anecdotes of adventures in cloud security. Attendees will learn new tricks for IAM privilege escalation in AWS along with a methodology for evaluating potential priv esc paths.

* I am not a subject matter expert on using search engines — best effort given.

int eighty (he/him) is a computer crime enthusiast, and the rapper in Dual Core. Occasional memes and hacking content on Mastodon and Twitter as @int0x80

As usual, we will be meeting online at https://cafe.cyberia.club/dc612.

Talk starts at 6:12 PM U.S. Central, but feel free to hop in early and chat.

— TactiFail

Thursday, April 13th – 6:12pm @ Virtual

Written by  on April 12, 2023

Hello Hackers!

This month, we will be joined by @rentanassassin who will share how they created Senior Drinknstein, the bartending robot:

You’re in a bar, you need a drink. What do you do, wait for the bartender? NO! You make your own robot to pour you your drink. In this talk, we’ll be going over how Senior Drinknstein was conceived, created, and deployed in prod without testing. Feel free to fork the project on our Github!

As usual these days of Covid, we will be meeting online at https://cafe.cyberia.club/dc612.

Talk starts at 6:12 PM U.S. Central, but feel free to hop in early and chat.

— TactiFail

Thursday, March 9th – 6:12pm @ Virtual

Written by  on March 8, 2023

Hello Hackers!

This month, we will be joined by Chris Weiland who will share how to use Matrix to consolidate the 1,337 chat apps we all use daily:

All your messages in one place: setting up a matrix server to bridge whatsapp, signal, telegram, discord, slack, and more

Chris Weiland is a freelance nerd. He wears his tinfoil hat with pride, and does not like sharing personal information about himself.

As usual these days of Covid, we will be meeting online at https://cafe.cyberia.club/dc612.

Talk starts at 6:12 PM U.S. Central, but feel free to hop in early and chat.

— TactiFail