So what are you into these days?
Crypto? Reverse Engineering? Networking? Recon? Banana Phones?
DC612 wants everyone to turn their hobbies, tinkerings and musings into a DC612 Project.
In the Month of February, DC612 will be opening a new program in which YOU are encouraged to sign up for and research a topic of your choosing.
Then, turn your Project into a 20 minute talk that you bring back to the group and present along with others in your category.
Talking in front of a group not your thing? We make it really easy. Share the Pain and Glory of public speaking with your fellow DC612ers. No single project will headline a meeting. Rather, you can present your project along with others researching similar topic
Also, we have a feedback mechanism baked into DC612 Projects. Prior to talking, specific folks who’ve volunteered their time will review your presentation notes and slides. These folks have a ton of experience speaking in front of groups and making slide decks. They are there to give you pointers on how to present your ideas effectively.
Project Categories:
We’ve organized possible projects into the following categories and assigned 1-3 SME’s to each category.
RECON – Presenting in June
WEB SECURITY – Presenting in July
CRYPTO – Presenting in September
DFIR – Presenting in October
NETWORK SECURITY – Presenting in November
MISC (encompassing all fruit related topics) – TBD
First, sign yourself up under a category before the March DC612 meeting (3/09), then put your feet up and relax. You’ve got time!
But you should probably pick a topic to start reading about, fiddling around with or building upon your ideas?
And then, Connect with the SME in your category. They are there to give you a sanity check should you ask them to look over some technical components of your research.
Also, if you need to be pointed in a good direction when beginning your project, ask your SME.
They have all graciously volunteered their time to help out projects in their area of expertise and will be announce at the upcoming February meeting (2/09).
To recap:
-Sign up under a category before March 9th. (Sign Up Here)
-Attend DC612, February 9th, for the SME announcements, and topic suggestions.
-Do the Project.
See you all on the 9th.
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