DC612 ToxicBBQ – Saturday July 24th noon – 4pm @ Lauderdale Community Park
IRL DC612, could it be true ?
While our meetings are staying virtual for the time being, we couldn’t pass up the chance to schedule a real life, in-person BBQ, ToxicBBQ – DC612 Edition.
For those unaware of the ToxicBBQ tradition, it’s simple. We provide the space, you show up with you favorite grill item to share. Folks are welcome to bring meat to brill, veg items, chips and anything that might be helpful or tasty. Recommendation for contributions are in the Google Doc. PLEASE tell us what you’re brining so we don’t end up with 800 hotdogs and no buns, okay?
Sign-up Sheet For Food, Beverages, Charcoal and Misc
We have the Picnic Shelter @ Lauderdale Community Park reserved for 4 hours, from noon – 4pm, thanks to long time attendee and friend of DC612, Josh. He had to brave city hall and government forms to get us this park shelter rental. When you see him, say THANKS!
Its been a long road,
getting from there to here,
It’s been a long time
But our time is finally near
Star Trek – Enterprise

2328 Roselawn Ave W, Lauderdale, MN 55113