Thursday, February 8th – 6pm @ Wilde Roast Cafe
Welcome DC612 followers, friends and felines. We are amid the shortest month of the year, but this months discussions are anything but light!
Part 1 – A meta-talk and open conversation led by DC612 favorites Tony and Josh. Are you an infoSec student? What areas of the industry are you wanting to have explained? Are your University days behind you? What would you have wanted to know then, that you know now?
Part 2 – Josh More takes the proverbially podium for “After the shit has hit the fan – A discussion on recovery” – an open discussion, on the ad hoc processes I use when I walk into a company in crisis and how to pull them out. I do not have anything prepared, but as I’ve been getting more questions on how I do that sort of thing, I figure it could be an interesting discussion. (I’m hoping that I’m not the only one in the room with such experiences.)
Now that the SuperbOwl has taken its leave, I hear it is safe again to return to the streets.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
THURSDAY, February 8th @6pm – Wilde Roast Cafe
Buh Bye…
WEDNESDAY January 10th, 6pm @ Wilde Roast Cafe
Due to a shift in the space / time continuum, DC612 will be making its appearance this month on Wednesday!
Please adjust your clocks to this One-Time, alteration in the timeline. I am assured that this blip in the timeline will not alter the future of our predictable, second Thursday universe.
A pleasant side affect of our alternate reality meeting day, is a fantastic January speaker.
This month @DC612, we welcome, David Duccini as he brings us “Blockchain 101 and use cases in the Real World”
Please leave the blockchain snarks at home and come prepared to bond over Merkle Dags.
Hope to see you all there!
WEDNESDAY, 1/10 – 6pm @WildeRoaste Cafe
Link to Slide Deck:
Thursday December 14th, 6pm @ Wilde Cafe
Our Weather has turned wintery. Here in DC612-land thats our cue to warm up with a steaming cup of cocoa and crack open some APK’s. Am I right?
“Mobile Security Framework is an intelligent, all-in-one open source mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) automated pen-testing framework capable of performing static, dynamic analysis and web API testing.”
Thursday November 9th, 6pm @ Wilde Cafe
Hello Hackers!
It’s November, and that means… well, cold. It means cold.
This month we are bringing back crowd favorite and regular DC612 attendee, Josh More!
Josh is perhaps best known at DC612 for his talks on photography, anonymity, and how to give a good presentation (hint hint). This month he will be addressing the power of metaphor in IT:
There is a divide between the so-called “security/technical” people and the “business” people. We’ve all heard about how we need to “speak the language of business” and “get soft skills” to succeed. However, even after decades of trying, the divide still exists. Why does it seem that we never make progress? Are we truly not improving? Is the goal receding as we chase it? This presentation posits that we’ve been making a fundamental error in trying to explain things to people outside our field. One thing that people-oriented people do naturally and technically-oriented people do not is communicate with others using the target’s metaphors. By taking this approach and translating issues into different frames of reference, more time is spent exploring the issue instead of arguing over why it matters.
As always, please bring a healthy appetite for both knowledge and food. See you there!
Thursday October 12th, 6pm @ WildeRoast – DFIR Month
Hello Hackers!
It’s October, and that means it is DFIR Month at DC612!
What is DFIR you ask? It’s pronounced “dee-fur” and it is not the same as shaving a fuzzy animal. DFIR stands for Digital Forensics and Incident Response, and it is the realm of investigating breaches, reacting to them to minimize immediate damage, and ensuring the proper information is gathered to help prevent them in the future.
As with other DC612 Projects months, the talks this time around will be shorter, but there will be more of them.
So bring your favorite hex editor, and prepare for a night of forensic fun!
— TactiFail