DC612 – Thursday May 11th, 6pm @ Wilde Roast

Written by  on May 7, 2017

Spring is in the air, and with that DC612 Projects is right around the corner.

Before we launch into the DC612 Projects debut in June with Recon month, Josh More will be brining you a Presentation on Presentations

or better said “How to Suck Less at Presenting”.

We will discover how not use bullet points when there are so many appealing varieties and much much more.

No doubt there will also be War Drive planning by @tactifail and the continued search for a sticker tsar/czar or maybe a Ctzicker Ctzar.

DC612 – Thursday April 13th, 6PM @ Wilde Roast

Written by  on April 9, 2017

This Thursday, April 13th, come out to play with your local DC group!

Everyone’s favorite,  SlideDeck Roulette will be the nights entertainment.

Think you want to get good at presenting a topic?  Ever wonder how those improve comedy performers do it?  Taking the best of both worlds, we now give you SlideDeck Roulette.  Here’s how it works – when your turn is up, we shuffle the deck and present you 5 ‘never seen by you’ slides. You have 3-5 minutes to present on whatever you think the topic might be?  Get creative.  Sure, you don’t know the topic – But your audience is just as clueless as you.

*Rules governing SlideDeck roulette will be fast and loose.

**Bring your laptop to throw your own SlideDeck in the mix.

Bonus March Meetup!

Written by  on March 16, 2017

Hey everyone!

If you are free on March 27th at 6PM, we will be hosting a second meetup at the Wilde Roast!

Josh More (frequent speaker on topics ranging from infrared photography, to evading digital surveillance, to infosec industry trends) has taken several interns under his wing and wants to show them what the hacking community is all about.  All of us attend DC612 for different reasons – many are here to learn, some are here to teach, others just want to meet with like-minded individuals to socialize.  Maybe it’s all three.  Whatever the reasons, we have all grown professionally as a result no matter how far along we are in our careers.  The hacking community is built upon sharing information freely, and we owe it to ourselves and each other to not only share that information within our group, but to invite others in and expand so they can add to the collective whole.  Like the Borg, but less implant-y.

In the spirit of teaching, learning, and growing as a community, Josh is inviting his interns to join us for an evening of short talks from whoever has something to share.  You don’t need a Power Point presentation, or to dress up, or even to stand up.  Talk about something for which you have a passion, or a project you are working on, or some cool new technological concept you recently learned.  5 minutes, 2 minutes, 60 seconds, however much time you need to get a group of interns excited!

Josh will also be so kind as to provide appetizers for the group, in case you needed any more reason to join us  🙂

Hope to see you all then!

— TactiFail

DC612 – Thursday March 9th, 6PM @ Wilde Roast

Written by  on March 4, 2017

Hello again!

On this month’s agenda we have a first-time speaker and relative newcomer to the DC612 scene: Taya Ellingworth.

She will be taking us back more than a hundred years, into the dimly-lit parlors of the Victorian-age seers, mediums, psychics, and clairvoyants.  Possibly considered early hackers, they employed an arsenal of clever tricks – some simple and others fairly complex – to part their marks from their money, and convince the masses that they could commune with the dead, read minds, and more.  Taya will provide a history of some of the more well-known mystics, and their routines, at the risk of angering their spirits.

As always, food and drink orders starting at 6 with the presentation beginning around 7 or when enough people have shown up.

See you then!

— TactiFail

DC612 – Thursday February 9th – 6pm @ Wild Roast

Written by  on February 5, 2017

This February we welcome Josh More as he presents to us,

Captivating Security – Safety versus Passion

After decades of trying to get noticed, infosec has arrived in business. We have the attention of senior management and boards.  We finally have budget. We finally have power.  What are we going to do with it?
We stand at a fork in the road.

One path is well trodden. Paved with best practices, metrics, and models, we can follow other industries. By restricting capabilities and focusing on compliance with regulations, standards, and monitoring efforts, we can merge with mature industries like banking, insurance, and the highly structured governmental/military ways of doing things. This path is safe.

The other path is rocky and overgrown. This is the path walked by those who must deal with complexity. Using nature conservation as a model, this path involves constant exploration and experimentation. Those on this path must use creativity and resilience to address the complexities involved in the overlap of economics and ecologies. This path is risky … but with risk comes reward.

Josh More is actively researching this second path, using the history of endangered species conservation and captive breeding as a model for where our industry could go. Though a harder path and less certain, the advantages of resisting the easy path could be tremendous. This is extremely early stage research and Josh would appreciate frank discussion around the ideas involved to help guide future research and maximize the utility of the eventual book.

Additionally we will be discussing the launch of DC612 Projects, reviewing the categories and announcing the SME’s.

See you all at the Wilde Roast!